Time is flying, no news from us since last year. End of 2018 & start of 2019 were tough for a lot of people in crypto, resulting in a lot of high priority todos. The same for me and a lot of my biz friends. But let’s re-check what we did by Blockchainizator since October for new crypto-collectibles.
Bitcorn Crops
We started with CORNATOMO, the dual-design token. It is one of the counterparty collectibles that is part of two collections: AtOMo & Bitcorn Crops:

Afterwards 2 other cards were released:
COCORICORN full of French proudness for food (haha, you have to wait 1 minute to enjoy the animation)
LEGOTHICORN: US culture in a broad sense
Mafia Wars
All 118 AtOMo squares are part of Mafia Wars (current games parameters reflect planned game characteristics that could change once in the future)
Our 1st card STEDNILSON is a special one there.
1st, the card was 2nd in November Design Contest with 50% game statistics bonus!
2nd, even if not already activated, this is the 1st Mafia Wars card that reveal the boost feature: in the future, if you (= your wallet hold the 3 AtOMo cards Al + Sc + Ni) your Sted Scand Nilson powers will be boosted.