AtOMo was started in June 2018 and is one of the top 100 earliest NFT collections.

AtOMo top 100

(see The origin assets of the digital antiquities market (NFTs) and Historical NFT Timeline)

Here you find AtOMo collectibles, mainly for the elements of the periodic table. Currently for the 118 elements, there is only half of the amount created on Counterparty/Bitcoin. The 2nd part of the collection will be normally published on other blockchain(s) from 2019, see 1st tokens created.

The list is published with API as JSON files  [ More info on AtOMO rules for JSON & images, for NFTs explorer & collections publisher ]

Discover our AtOMo Collection (elements, words, etc.)

the image displayed here in this list is not the main one of the crypto-collectible token, but just the simplest one with less details. To enjoy the main one, select the link for the asset name, e.g. LATOMONA

 11 Sodium Na

118 elementsWords NFTsPartnershipsDiverse

118 elements

 All 118 AtOMo elements are listed for sales by Dankset AtOMo, with price in Bitcoin (BTC)

Atom nrMulti-chain total Pict [128 px]Asset name[on Counterparty]
142241 Hydrogen HLATOMOH[2112]
215622 Helium HeLATOMOHE[781]
313483 Lithium LiLATOMOLI[674]
46484 Beryllium BeLATOMOBE[324]
511505 Boron BLATOMOB[575]
626966 Carbon CLATOMOC[1348]
722027 Nitrogen NLATOMON[1101]
841288 Oxygen OLATOMOO[2064]
921589 Fluorine FLATOMOF[1079]
1077010 Neon NeLATOMONE[385]
11312811 Sodium NaLATOMONA[1564]
12335812 Magnesium MgLATOMOMG[1679]
13336013 Aluminum AlLATOMOAL[1680]
14379214 Silicon SiLATOMOSI[1896]
15243615 Phosphorus PLATOMOP[1218]
16250016 Sulfur SLATOMOS[1250]
17202217 Chlorine ClLATOMOCL[1011]
18161218 Argon ArLATOMOAR[806]
19287619 Potassium KLATOMOK[1438]
20323420 Calcium CaLATOMOCA[1617]
21130821 Scandium ScLATOMOSC[654]
22264022 Titanium TiLATOMOTI[1320]
23179623 Vanadium VLATOMOV[898]
24205624 Chromium CrLATOMOCR[1028]
25242825 Manganese MnLATOMOMN[1214]
26350426 Iron FeLATOMOFE[1752]
27167627 Cobalt CoLATOMOCO[838]
28211628 Nickel NiLATOMONI[1058]
29168229 Copper CuLATOMOCU[841]
30178630 Zinc ZnLATOMOZN[893]
31127631 Gallium GaLATOMOGA[638]
32116632 Germanium GeLATOMOGE[583]
3378033 Arsenic AsLATOMOAS[390]
3451234 Selenium SeLATOMOSE[256]
3586435 Bromine BrLATOMOBR[432]
3651236 Krypton KrLATOMOKR[256]
37146637 Rubidium RbLATOMORB[733]
38179838 Strontium SrLATOMOSR[899]
39123639 Yttrium YLATOMOY[618]
40159840 Zirconium ZrLATOMOZR[799]
41100441 Niobium NbLATOMONB[502]
4266642 Molybdenum MoLATOMOMO[333]
4351243 Technetium TcLATOMOTC[256]
4451244 Ruthenium RuLATOMORU[256]
4551245 Rhodium RhLATOMORH[256]
4651246 Palladium PdLATOMOPD[256]
4751247 Silver AgLATOMOAG[256]
4851248 Cadmium CdLATOMOCD[256]
4951249 Indium InLATOMOIN[256]
5073650 Tin SnLATOMOSN[368]
5151251 Antimony SbLATOMOSB[256]
5251252 Tellurium TeLATOMOTE[256]
5351253 Iodine ILATOMOI[256]
5451254 Xenon XeLATOMOXE[256]
5551255 Cesium CsLATOMOCS[256]
56167056 Barium BaLATOMOBA[835]
57104857 Lanthanum LaLATOMOLA[524]
58124258 Cerium CeLATOMOCE[621]
5973259 Praseodymium PrLATOMOPR[366]
60105860 Neodymium NdLATOMOND[529]
6151261 Promethium PmLATOMOPM[256]
6272662 Samarium SmLATOMOSM[363]
6351263 Europium EuLATOMOEU[256]
6470664 Gadolinium GdLATOMOGD[353]
6551265 Terbium TbLATOMOTB[256]
6664066 Dysprosium DyLATOMODY[320]
6751267 Holmium HoLATOMOHO[256]
6856468 Erbium ErLATOMOER[282]
6951269 Thulium TmLATOMOTM[256]
7060270 Ytterbium YbLATOMOYB[301]
7151271 Lutetium LuLATOMOLU[256]
7252672 Hafnium HfLATOMOHF[263]
7351273 Tantalum TaLATOMOTA[256]
7451274 Tungsten WLATOMOW[256]
7551275 Rhenium ReLATOMORE[256]
7651276 Osmium OsLATOMOOS[256]
7751277 Iridium IrLATOMOIR[256]
7851278 Platinum PtLATOMOPT[256]
7951279 Gold AuLATOMOAU[256]
8051280 Mercury HgLATOMOHG[256]
8151281 Thallium TlLATOMOTL[256]
82104282 Lead PbLATOMOPB[521]
8351283 Bismuth BiLATOMOBI[256]
8451284 Polonium PoLATOMOPO[256]
8551285 Astatine AtLATOMOAT[256]
8651286 Radon RnLATOMORN[256]
8751287 Francium FrLATOMOFR[256]
8851288 Radium RaLATOMORA[256]
8951289 Actinium AcLATOMOAC[256]
9064690 Thorium ThLATOMOTH[323]
9151291 Protactinium PaLATOMOPA[256]
9251292 Uranium ULATOMOU[256]
9351293 Neptunium NpLATOMONP[256]
9451294 Plutonium PuLATOMOPU[256]
9551295 Americium AmLATOMOAM[256]
9651296 Curium CmLATOMOCM[256]
9751297 Berkelium BkLATOMOBK[256]
9851298 Californium CfLATOMOCF[256]
9951299 Einsteinium EsLATOMOES[256]
100512100 Fermium FmLATOMOFM[256]
101512101 Mendelevium MdLATOMOMD[256]
102512102 Nobelium NoLATOMONO[256]
103512103 Lawrencium LrLATOMOLR[256]
104512104 Rutherfordium RfLATOMORF[256]
105512105 Dubnium DbLATOMODB[256]
106512106 Seaborgium SgLATOMOSG[256]
107512107 Bohrium BhLATOMOBH[256]
108512108 Hassium HsLATOMOHS[256]
109512109 Meitnerium MtLATOMOMT[256]
110512110 Darmstadtium DsLATOMODS[256]
111512111 Roentgenium RgLATOMORG[256]
112512112 Copernicium CnLATOMOCN[256]
113512113 Nihonium NhLATOMONH[256]
114512114 Flerovium FlLATOMOFL[256]
115512115 Moscovium McLATOMOMC[256]
116512116 Livermorium LvLATOMOLV[256]
117512117 Tennessine TsLATOMOTS[256]
118512118 Oganesson OgLATOMOOG[256]

Words NFTs | back to top

  Some AtOMo words are listed for sales by 'Buy NFTs', with price in Bitcoin (BTC)

Collection nrMulti-chain totalPictAsset name[on Counterparty]

Partnerships started in 2018 with Everdreamsoft (Spells of Genesis & Bitcrystals) | back to top

Collection nrPict [384 px]Asset name[Only on Counterparty]
601LATOMOBCYLATOMOBCY[8192 (not locked)]
602LATOMOBOOLATOMOBOO[4096 (not locked)]
603LATOMOSOGLATOMOSOG[4096 (not locked)]

Diverse | back to top

Multi-chain totalAsset image / name[on Counterparty]name / comment
not definedLATOMOCAPTIO[not locked]caption to explain element
256KFUCK[256]naughty words …
256KFUCKYOU[256]… in Kaleidoscope …
256KPOO[256]… with only …
256KPISSOFF[256]… the name…
256KEROTIC[256]… as hint

AtOMo JSON & images | back to top

The JSON files have 4 main sub-parts corresponding of the tag 'category' for each token. All tokens of the 4 parts (element, word, partner, diverse) are part of the AtOMo collection:

AtOMo JSON structure

Different images 'png' and animated 'gif' are provided for each of our tokens. The rules (guidelines) are:

  • Smaller image (e.g. to be displayed in will use the label 'image', for "…384.png"
  • The main rich media associated to the token is labelled as 'image_large'. Often it is the animated 'gif' with 1024 pixels, e.g. labelled "gif1024", for "…1024.gif"
  • If a non animated images is preferred, the same file name (and size) is suited, e.g. labelled "png1024", for "…1024.png"
  • Sometime an high-resolution version exists, additionally labelled 'image_large_hd'

Special cases:

  • The 118 elements have a simple and small image of 128 pixels labelled "png128", e.g. for slack emoji.
  • "CORNATOMO" is in priority a card by Bitcorns, so the "…750x1040" is the size/image for the main rich media
  • For better images' effect, we encourage the use of the biggest size/resolution, e.g. like 1125x1560 pixels for Bitcorns or 2556 pixels for Kaleidoscope.

More detailed info on slides nr 9 to 12 of my prez Blockchain tokens for gaming - PGC London 2020.


“In Bitcoin Counterparty We Trust” - Crafted with serious fun in mountains & lakes region.

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